Stem cells

Stem cells are now becoming a big news item.

Every day there is an article about them on the T/V news, a daily paper or one of our major magazines.

See Recent research

Over the last 12 years millions of dollars has been spent on embryonic investigations with practically no real health care benefits achieved, but now however there is a sudden increase in interest.

Why are they becoming such an attractive media subject?

The answer to the above question is,-- it’s because it has been discovered that the ADULT variety of these cells are now producing some real worthwhile benefits.

To appreciate what this is all about, you need to understand the difference between the ADULT and the EMBRYONIC cells.

Go to this page for an explanation.

Go to Adult cells
According to an American Senator, as recently reported in the media, there are now 72 physical disabilities responding to discoveries about these ADULT cells and the successful curative work being done with them.

On the other hand the health care benefits being achieved thus far with EMBRYONIC cells is zero.


What could be easier than swallowing a few capsules and experiencing some often amazing results as the body starts its own amazing repair actions.

These capsules themselves don't cure anything however have been scientifically proven to increase the supply of therapeutic cells in our bodies.

When this happens the body itself goes into repair mode and the results can be stunning as verified by the loads of success reports I am now receiving.

See success stories

I AM 89 YEARS OLD and from my own experience, this is producing some amazing results for myself and many others.

This is because it encourages our body to carry out its own self repair and I am now free of the side effects of the drugs I previously had to take.(I am now drug free)

To find out more about this product Leave stem cells and go to Stem cell miracles

Alternatively, go to Videos where you will find a number of informative videos. My suggestion is to watch the first one, as this gives a general background to why this discovery is achieving so much great success for those people using this great breakthrough discovery.

If you decide to try this product I would appreciate it if you use my ID number which is also on the site, 5760372,and my referrer name is Eddie Mace. This will also make it easier for you to gain access to prices etc on the product.

If you need any help or wish to Email me for further information I am very willing to help. Email me at- and I shall respond SAP.

You may also be interested in the following.

Ethics of cell research

History of research

To your future health. Eddie Mace