Calcium supplements information.

Calcium supplements now come in many types and forms.

Calcium carbonate is the most readily available and cheapest form, but it also the least effective as the amount absorbed by our bodies is very, very limited.

There have been many attempts to improve the usefulness of these supplements by developing products which are better and that have much greater body absorption.

The quality of any calcium product is determined by the body's ability to absorb it.

Calcium supplements now come in many types and forms.

Calcium carbonate is the most readily available and cheapest form, but it also the least effective as the amount absorbed by our bodies is very, very limited and its benefits are therefor also very limited.

There have been many attempts to improve the usefulness of calcium carbonate by developing products that have much greater body absorption.

Body absorption is vital, otherwise why bother to take it.

In order to increase absorption a whole range of products have been developed with various degrees of success. Among these you will find the following.








This list gets a bit overwhelming, but there are also dozens of other types of calcium which are not listed here. They have very little of nutritional interest so I have not mentioned them here.

Never the less I shall make a few moments to comment on those of any nutritional value which you may find interesting.

CALCIUM ASCORBATE is a calcium product developed using vitamin C therefor if you are taking vitamin C this could be an opportunity to increase your vitamin C intake. Vitamin C has great value and this is a good combination.

CALCIUM CITRATE also has the advantage of having an acidic base as this improves the calcium absorption.

CALCIUM PHOSPHATE is not generally used as a supplement.

CALCIUM OROTATE is now being widely used as a calcium supplement and is one of the most widely used for calcium support particularly by more mature women.

One of the major difficulties for women in there mature age is the loss of bone mass often resulting in broken hips. It is now becoming better recognised how important calcium is in these situations.

Taking calcium in any form must be supported by vitamin D.

See vitamin D deficiency .

The use of calcium for weight loss is now being recognised and now there are many products now available in health food stores but familirise yourself with their effectiveness THEY ARE NOT ALL OF EQUAL VALUE.

The better products are generally a combination of calcium and some other products but are generally based on calcium orotate supported by other forms of calcium AND MAGNESIUM.

Magnesium plays a major role in your body's ability to use calcium. For further information on this Leave calcium supplements go to Magnesium citrate