Vitamin D supplements.


This vitamin is essential for calcium absorption and I wonder how many of us suffer from the lack of calcium absorption? This particularly applies to mature aged women who have passed menopause.

With a lack of the ability to absorb calcium, by having a fall you are likely break a hip or break or bone somewhere in the body.

Lack of calcium in our diet is one thing but this situation is exacerbated by the lack of vitamin D.

Sun exposure is the optimum way of achieving vitamin D but our present life style makes this a nigh on impossibility for most of us, therefor we need to take vitamin D supplements.

Some scientists are saying we need to take supplements to overcome this shortage in our cells and therefor our stem cells need this support.

Stem cells we now know to be critical for your general health.

Ultimately your health will be affected by the number of stem cells available in your blood stream.

See stem cell therapy.

Vitamin D is available in different supplementary forms either as D3 or D2 but the only one I suggest is the one called D3. I have seen several reports also supporting this viewpoint.

This supplement is generally available in tablet form or as an oil. I personally prefer using the oil as this is in its most natural form and generally much cheaper in the long run than tablets.

It is easy to take as an oil by using a dropper onto a biscuit which makes it easy to measure and use.

The other form is D2 which is not safe or valuable in all of its forms; one of the forms can be toxic to the body.

D3 is good for the body and is available as pills or liquid.

They are however not found readily in our foods. In the 1930s, a milk fortification program was implemented in the United States to combat rickets, then a major public health problem.

However, wild caught salmon, sardines, cod liver oil, herring and mackerel are good supply sources of this vitamin; also some eggs, however there is a proviso; they must come from free roaming chickens that have plenty of grass and have a natural diet.

You don’t get D3 vitamins from caged chickens that only eat pellets. By the way good quality eggs also have strong shells.

Leave vitamin D supplements see vitamin D.

see Omeg 3 fatty acids