Restoring your health.Restoring your health can be very difficult particularly if you have developed a poor eating habit. Living off carbohydrates, particularly sweet things loaded with sugar is never going to provide your body with the opportunity it needs for restoring your health.
There is great progress now being made with things like stem cell research which I am sure will make a major contribution to our future health care. However it is still necessary we feed ourselves effectively. For instance sugar, which now dominates a large percentage of our food, has no real nutritional value and causes us to over eat because our body is crying out for nutritional support.
I have just been reading a report by a highly qualified university MD wherein he states sugar is a poison. A poison may not kill you but it can make you feel pretty sick. Food which is made up of starches and sugars are one thing and nutrition is another. In our modern society with all its fast food facilities, our bodies are really calling out for nutritional support. Many of the things we feed it with are greatly inadequate for nutrition; things like carbohydrates and this leaves our body calling out for proteins.
If you have any doubt about which are carbohydrates or proteins, I suggest you visit a health food shop and buy yourself a cheap booklet which can clarify this for you. This is essential information if you wish to restore your health because understanding about this is essential in our modern society where our food supply is so different to even a few short years ago. You don’t have to be a university professor and make a major project out of this, however, this information is essential knowledge if you wish to remain healthy or to regain your health. Your health is at risk in our modern environment where our only concern is, does it taste good? The bulk of our food takes no concern for nutritional support and as a consequence we are seeing things like diabetes and heart problems now assuming major proportions due to our poor diet. If you care for your health, it’s time to pay more attention to what you eat. It’s a bit late when we find ourselves paying doctor’s bills and then being concerned about whether stem cell research can help in restoring our health problems. There is great promise with the progress now being made with stem cell research, however we still need to improve our nutritional support as this will play a big part in restoring our health. If you need to restore your health it’s time to pay more attention to what you eat. It’s a bit late when we find ourselves paying doctor’s bills and then being concerned about whether stem cell research can help in restoring your health. There is great promise with the progress now being made with stem cell research, however we still need to improve our diet as this will play a big part in restoring our health.