What is a stem cell.


One of the biggest things misunderstood on this subject is the technical terms or names which have been given to the various types of stem cells.

Attempts to answer the question what is a stem cell only confuses the issue so I have tried to break it down to 2 basic types of these cells which are EMBRYONIC stem cells and ADULT stem cells.

I find there is a lot of confusion between EMBRYONIC stem cells and ADULT stem cells.

In order to understand what is going on here it’s important to differentiate between these two entirely different types of stem cells .

Bluntly speaking you do not have to kill embryos to obtain ADULT stem cells and understanding this is of great importance.

Read on and I shall endeavor to explain this in fairly plain language.

EMBRYONIC stem cells are derived from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst.

So what is a blastocyst?

A blastocyst is the result of the fertilisation of the female egg after it has been fertilised.

The blastocyst remains in this state for approximately 4 or 5 days; during this stage it increases to about 50 to 150 cells.

Thereafter it is now is classed as an EMBRIO.

Prior to becoming an embryo and during those 4 or 5 days these cells are classed as EMBRIONIC STEM CELLS.

To obtain EMBRYONIC stem cells they must be collected within the first 4 or 5 days of fertilisation. This obviously requires the destruction of the blastocyst and generates a lot of disagreements particularly in religious circles.

Now in order to find out about what is a stem cell, we ALSO need to find out what are ADULT stem cells.

It has been agreed that ADULT stem cells occur when you are born. You didn’t know you were an adult when you were born did you.--- Big joke!

What happens between becoming a blastocyst and being born is still open to controversy which I shan't get into here.

The research on adult stem cells started about 50 years ago. In the 1950’s it was discovered that bone marrow contains 2 types of stem cells.

A few years later another type of stem cell which, are referred to as stromal cells, make up the stem cell population in the bone marrow.

These can generate bone, cartilage, also cells that support blood and fibrous tissue.

Later in the 1990’s it was agreed that the brain contains adult stem cells that play a major role in its function.

These adult cells have now been recognised in many tissues and organs such as bone marrow, blood vessels, muscles, skin, teeth, heart, liver and so on.

These adult stem cells are now recognised as playing a major role in the maintenance of our bodies and it is now also being realised what a major role these cells actualy play in maintaining and protecting our bodies.

For more information on this subject

Leave what is a stem cell go to Medical research.

In the past huge amounts of money have been spent on embryonic stem cell research without so far providing us with any health benefits.

However this is now changing as great results are now occurring using research into adult stem cells.

It you would like more information on this important subject which is going to play a major role in our future health, go to this site.

Stem cell miracles.

Should you have anymore questions and if you are interested in this why not click here.


However, this will allow me to respond to you and I hope answer any questions you may have.

Stem cell technology is going to be the way for our future health care.

Eddie Mace.