Stem cell nutrition.

Reduce the effects of aging.

The author. Eddie Mace, recent photo aged 91.

Stem cell nutrition has enormous potential for improving the quality of our daily lives.

As we get older, our body loses its ability to overcome the various problems that arrive.

We then we start to experience medical difficulties, some are serious threats to our health such as diabetes and some are annoying and painful problems or restrictions like arthritis.

Scientific information.  

According to recent scientific information, from the age of about 30, the availability of stem cells to carry out our body repairs starts to decline at the rate of about 5% per year.

By the time you reach 50 years of age the important supply of stem cells needed for body maintenance becomes very, very limited.

(This explains why you healed so fast when you were younger).

The important news is that by restoring the body's ability to release its  Adult stem cells from its bone marrow, it then can enable the body to carry out its own natural repair functions.

Our bodies natural repairs are achieved by our stem cells and it is interesting these stem cells can reduce the effects of aging.

Therefor this is great information as we don't have to resort to drugs or hope for new drug discoveries to solve our ever increasing health problems.

You may not know it, but unfortunately drugs do not cure anything.

Important news.

The important news is that by restoring the body's ability to release its  Adult stem cells from its bone marrow, it then can enable the body to carry out its natural repair functions.

Therefor this is great information as we don't have to resort to drugs or hope for new drug discoveries to solve our health problems.

Temporarilly leave stem cell nutrition See Stem tech news

If you look at the NEW ENGLAND NEW JOURNAL OF MEDICINE you will find the number one indicator of a healthy heart is the number of stem cells circulating in the body.

"Stem cells are the most powerful cells in the body". Dr Cliff Minter

These stem cell products have only recently become available and we are already receiving reports of amazing results in well being and health improvements.

See success stories.

If you are interested in these ADULT STEM CELLS and have any queries Click here.

I hope to answer any questions you may have.

Great progress is now happening with adult stem cells and even the Catholic Church is now supporting this.

Go to stem cell treatment and watch the video.

Stem cell nutrition is now beginning to offer us great hopes for our future health care.

At 91 years of age I an delighted with the benefits I have personally received.

Eddie Mace.