Nutrition facts.

Nutrition facts and our diet together with stem cell technology can play a big part in our general health.

See Current stem cell research.

There are many answers to our longevity and general health. Let me provide you with some valuable information.

Things like calcium, magnesium and Omega 3 can play a big part in restoring and maintaining our health as these are unfortunately generally deficient in our modern diets. We need to understand this and also realise things like protein are essential to our welfare.

Here is another article you may find interesting, Magnesium citrate.

Great strides are now being made with stem cell technology and like you I am very interested in this, however we also need to provide our body with the essential nutrients it needs without which our body has no chance of maintaining its health.

Leave nutrition facts go to ADULT STEM CELL TREATMENT.

Sugar diabetes is now reaching plague proportions and is causing lots of people big problems. This is having a pronounced effect on the quality of many lives.

If we wish to enjoy a meaningful mature age we need to take an interest in our diets because in spite of the great strides now being made with stem cell technology and the wonders which this will provide for us, we still need to attend to the basic needs of our body and feed it properly.

A diet which consists alone of sweet sugary things whilst it may be appealing will in the long run prove costly to your health as many people are now finding out.

We all need to take more interest in our diet if we hope to live and enjoy our latter years. Leave nutrition facts go to ADULT STEM CELL TREATMENT.

Sugar diabetes is now reaching plague proportions and is causing lots of people big problems. This is having a pronounced effect on the quality of many lives.

If we wish to enjoy a meaningful mature age we need to take an interest in our diets. In spite of the great strides now being made with stem cell technology and the wonders which this will provide for us, we still need to attend to the basic needs of our body and feed it properly.

A diet which consists alone of sweet sugary things whilst it may be appealing will in the long run prove costly to your health as many people are now finding out.

We all need to take more interest in our diet if we hope to live and enjoy our latter years.

I am 90 years old and still doing well, come and join me and still and enjoy your life as you get older.

Yes, this is a recent photo'