Stem cell guide.

Reduce your aging.

The author. Eddie Mace, recent photo aged 92.

 Your Stem cell guide.

You want to look and feel young again?

What problems are you having?

Don’t let your age slow you down!

This valuable information will help everyone, particularly those whose age has reduced the ability to really enjoy themselves.

Don’t let your age stop you from doing the things you really want to do.

You want to look and feel young again?

Stem cell information

This guide may open up some new possibilities you didn’t know existed.

This is useful information to increase your lifespan as our bodies unfortunately become older.

During the last 15 years when the importance of stem cells  hit the headlines, a vast amount of money has been spent on research on embryonic stem cells.

Unfortunately this has not produced any stem cell guide or useful health benefits.

Adult stem cells

More recently however, attention has been directed to these adult stem cells and this is where many great discoveries are now being made.

The methods and procedures which have been discovered have to some degree been successful, however they have required expensive medical procedures which have to some degree limited their use.

The interest in this stem cell guide has been attracting a lot of attention and there has now been been a major breakthrough by a Canadian scientist seen here.

This scientist, Christian Drapeau. MSc, has discovered a natural product which has been isolated from a lake in North America and which has the ability to increase the adult stem cells in our blood stream.

Here we have a huge successful stem cell guide to assist our future health.

It is the result of several year’s investigation and work by this scientist.

This can result in the body’s own ability to recover from a whole range of physical problems.

For more information you can contact me here

This discovery has been shown to increase the stem cells in our blood stream by a considerable amount and a product to achieve this has now been patented.

More information on this see

Anti aging supplement.

Catholic Church

These stem cells are now attracting a lot of attention and even the Catholic Church is now showing a lot of interest.

Catholic church seminar.

For information on this seminar see

Stem cell treatment.

(Watch the short video)

Many people are having great success using this stem cell treatment and here is report which verifies this.

Success stories

Here is one of many successful reports we have received.


Success story report after 1 month on the stem cell product.

Within a few days David’s psoriasis was all but gone! This in itself was a great success story.

For many years we had spent a fortune on lotions and potions, all to no avail.

We have both had an astonishing lift in our energy levels.

Due to his damaged spinal cord, Graham has cynaesthesia, which causes him to spend a major part of his day lying on his bed in enormous pain.

He has to remain at a constant temperature, any change and his pain spikes up and becomes difficult to bear.

Well he is now leaving his room, sitting out in the courtyard and also going for walks, but the amazing thing is that for the first time in decades had pain free periods.

He had actually forgotten what that felt like to be pain free.


Hip pain GONE, knee pain GONE, skin improved, but the most astonishing thing of all, that due to a thyroid problem, I had lost a lot of hair, IT’S COMING BACK!!! I can’t believe it.

This for me has been is a great success story. We discover new things every day, wonderful stuff.


This report is available in our records.

This stem cell discovery may also help "your body" to recover from some unwanted condition.

Although I am 92 years old, I am now having a lot of success using this discovery.

I am virtually free from the use of medical drugs and am now enjoying myself in spite of my age.

This product is now patented and becoming available  in a number of countries.

It is not expensive and has 6 month money back guarantee.

If you are interested contact me here

More information here.

Leave stem cell guide go to anti aging supplement.

Alternatively you can see my home page here for further information.

BBI.Home page.

You can reduce the problems of aging.

I hope this forum has been of value to you.

To your good health.

Eddie Mace.

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This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.