Speedy recovery.

You can reduce the effects of aging.

Speedy recovery is harder to achieve as we get older.

However better things are now happening with a stem cell procedure which is now becoming available at a very affordable cost.

Since attention is shifting from embryonic stem cells and moving over to adult stem cells great things are now beginning to happen.

After many years of fruitless research with embryonic cells we are now seeing success with adult cells.

Adult stem cell research was abandoned for many years due to technical difficulties, however that problem has now been overcome and these cells are now causing great excitement in stem cell research oganisations.

At last count there were 4300 research groups around the world researching with adult stem cells.

As matter of interest, here is an adult stem cell success story.

This is from a 60 year old lady and the original is available in our records.  We now have many similar success reports.


Success story report after 1 month on the stem cell product.

Within a few days David’s psoriasis was all but gone! This in itself was a great success story.

For many years we had spent a fortune on lotions and potions, all to no avail.

We have both had an astonishing lift in our energy levels.

Due to his damaged spinal cord, Graham has cynaesthesia, which causes him to spend a major part of his day lying on his bed in enormous pain.

He has to remain at a constant temperature, any change and his pain spikes up and becomes difficult to bear.

Well he is now leaving his room, sitting out in the courtyard and also going for walks, but the amazing thing is that for the first time in decades had pain free periods.

He had actually forgotten what that felt like to be pain free.

NOW FOR ME. Hip pain GONE, knee pain GONE, skin improved, but the most astonishing thing of all, that due to a thyroid problem, I had lost a lot of hair, IT’S COMING BACK!!! I can’t believe it.

This for me has been is a great success story. We discover new things every day, wonderful stuff.


This success story like many others is the result of a major breakthrough using a new approach with stem cell technology.

Christian Drapeau, MSc.

This new technology is the result of several years research by a dedicated Canadian technologist Christian Drapeau.

His research work was developed and continued over several years resulting in an important finding .

This discovery enables an increase  the stem cells in the blood stream.

This is an important development which can have a great impact on the bodies ability to recover from many illnesses.

A natural product using his technology has now been patented and this is becoming available in a number of countries.

To better understand this I suggest you look here.

See Anti aging supplement.

As you can see I am rapidly reaching my 92nd birthday and am now in very good health thanks largely to this stem cell product.

One of the great advantages of this stem cell product is it is very economically priced and should be well within the budget of most people.

For more data leave speedy recovery see BBI. Home page.

At the bottom of this page you will find a large number of articles which you may find interesting.

Should you need more information you can Email me here.


Join me and improve your health as we get older.

Eddie Mace.