Slow healing.

Reduce the effects of aging.

The author. Eddie Mace, recent photo aged 91.

Slow healing can be a difficult problem if it persists.

Healing should occur quite naturally, however it is affected by numerous things like damaged veins and also it can be affected by your general health and aging.

Young children normally have a very high repair and recovery rate.

As we get older we start to have problems with slow healing and we don’t repair our bodies anywhere near as rapidly as we used to.

We could easily say its just because we are getting older, however there must be a reason for this.

What's going on? There must be a the reason ?

Body repairs.

Believe it or not, our body requires constant maintenance.  How effective this is, is determined by the number of stem cells available to carry out the bodies necessary repairs.

If our body didn't have an effective automatic repair system I doubt we would live very long.

Nature is amazing and there has been a recent important discovery.

We now know that  stem cells are the body’s built in repair and maintenance system.
As we get older our ability to maintain the supply these important stem cells diminishes.

We then start to suffer the consequences of deteriorating health.


It doesn't just apply to cuts, bruises and broken bones.

This is why we start having problems with slow healing with various illnesses as we age. When you were young you recovered much faster.

This is because the availability of these critical cells declines as we get older and we then start developing various illness problems.

It is now recognised that slow healing  of our body can be directly related to the number of these stem cells circulating in our blood stream. 

Big discovery.

There has now been a big discovery by a Canadian research scientist Christian Drapeau, MSc. Seen here.

After several years research he has developed an interesting product  from a lake in North America.

This product has now been scientifically proven to increase the stem cells circulating in the blood stream by up to 25%.

This important discovery has now been patented and is being released  in several countries.

For information on this see my Email address at the bottom of this page.

There is a lot of new information being discovered and this going to have a large impact on our future health care.

People using this product are experiencing some major health improvements.

See this success story,


Success story report after 1 month on the stem cell product.

Within a few days David’s psoriasis was all but gone! This in itself was a great success story.

For many years we had spent a fortune on lotions and potions, all to no avail.

We have both had an astonishing lift in our energy levels.

Due to his damaged spinal cord, Graham has cynaesthesia, which causes him to spend a major part of his day lying on his bed in enormous pain.

He has to remain at a constant temperature, any change and his pain spikes up and becomes difficult to bear.

Well he is now leaving his room, sitting out in the courtyard and also going for walks, but the amazing thing is that for the first time in decades had pain free periods.

He had actually forgotten what that felt like to be pain free.

NOW FOR ME. Hip pain GONE, knee pain GONE, skin improved, but the most astonishing thing of all, that due to a thyroid problem, I had lost a lot of hair, IT’S COMING BACK!!! I can’t believe it.

This for me has been is a great success story. We discover new things every day, wonderful stuff.


For more information on this discovery, leave Slow healing go to anti aging supplement.

This supplement is now available in a number of countries. For more information contact me here.

I am 91 years old still in good health without depending on drugs.

To your future good health.

Eddie Mace