Human longevity.

The author. Eddie Mace, Recent photo, aged 91.

Human longevity is attracting quite a lot of attention now, whereas several years ago we hardly heard of much interest.

As long ago as 1930, clinical studies indicated that reducing calorific intake showed a remarkable ability to prolong life.
This worked well for things like fruit flies but was unworkable for human beings because those persons trying to use calorie restriction became weak very miserable and unhappy.

At this time Americans alone are spending about $50 billion a year on life extension products according to Wikipedia.
A lot of scientific work has been done on things like Telomeres, all in the interests of extending the human life span.

Stem cells.

The latest area of research is connected with stem cells and here I am really excited about the progress which has been made because if our bodies can effectively repair themselves from various illnesses this must assuredly increase our life span.

High hopes had been made with medical drugs but this definitely hasn't worked.
We now know drugs don't fix anything, the best they can do is suppress our difficulties and maybe make us maybe feel better but often with unwanted side effects.

I am now 91 years of age and by using a new stem cell technology.

I am in better health now than I have been for the last 10 years.

Expectations of an extended life span or increased longevity can actually be achieved by good diet, exercise and avoidance of hazards such as smoking.

However the quality of life I am now experiencing is outstanding and I strongly recommend you investigate this latest breakthrough in stem cell science.

For more information on this great new stem cell discovery see this page,

Leave human longevity-go to Antiaging nutrition.

Concern about our human longevity is now attracting a lot of attention as more threats to our health are now becoming common  by the increase in things like diabetes and heart disease.

What most people don't realise is that diabetes for instance was rarely heard of 100 years ago.

No, it was not because it wasn't recognised; those few people unfortunate to have this complaint were what we now call type 1 diabetes.

By far the biggest complaint we now have is classified as type 2 diabetes and this is a diet related complaint.

If you are interested in improving your health click here


 I hope to answer any questions you may have.

To your future health and your increasing longevity.

Eddie Mace.