The author, Eddie Mace. Recent photo aged 91.
The future
of stem cells research influenced by adult stem cells.
According to recent reports there is about 1000 research programs currently in the progress of investigating stem cells.
The bulk of this research originally concentrated on EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS.
Embryonic stem cells research offered us great hopes for our health, however these expectations did not measure up primarily because these embryonic stem cells had a bad habit of becoming cancerous and out of control.
Using ADULT STEM CELLS had been largely abandoned because these cells did not respond to the methods that were then being used for research.
A new approach then was made using adult cells WITH GREAT SUCCESS.
A major part of the investigations with stem cells now lies with adult stem cells.
Already progress is happening and there are reports of some success with several disabilities.
As reported by an American Government Senator recently, ”There have been as many as 72 different illnesses that have responded to these stem cells”
One of the difficulties is the inherent costs of the procedures that were being used.
However there is light at the end of the tunnel!!!
There has been a significant discovery by a Canadian scientific investigator Christian Drapeau MSc, who has been studying an aquatic plant over a number of years.
An extract of this plant has now been scientifically proven to increase the stem cells in our blood stream by as much as 25%.
A product has now been developed, patented and is now being marketed in a number countries.
For more information see anti aging supplement.
The great advantage of this discovery is that it produces considerable benefit at little expense.
I have been using this product for over 2 years now and with considerable benefit. I am amazed at some of the benefits some people are having.
See success stories.
To get more information click here.
Leave the future of stem cells see BBI. Home page.
Adult stem cell technology lies at the forefront of medical research and I believe this is going to have a big impact on our future attempts to deal with health problems.
As you can see I am well past my 91st birthday and doing well.
I have confidence this product has a great future because it is producing great results at a minimal cost.
This product has 6 month money back guarantee so what have you got to lose?
You can con6tact me here.
Eddie Mace.