The author. Eddie Mace, recent photo aged 91.
Aging reversal has been a pipe dream for many years and while this has not yet been achieved considerable progress is now occurring to improve our life expectancy.
The old life expectancy of “three score years and ten” is now frequently being exceeded by many people.
However there is another very important factor here.
How about the quality of your life in those latter years?
I don’t think there would be much fun in being bed ridden or immobilised due to ill health.
The critical
thing in my opinion is to be able to maintain a good and enjoyable quality of life
in our latter years.
I am now well into my 92nd year and therefore believe I can claim some experience on this subject.
After 5 years in the Air Force in WW2, I was discharged medically unfit and have had many years of bad health; now however, I am fitter than I have been for many years thanks to a stem cell discovery which has improved my life very considerably.
Reversal of aging may not be achievable; however, being able to enjoy life in our latter years is definitely a worthwhile achievement and is wonderful success story.
By investigating this stem cell discovery you too could be like me and be enjoying life at 91 years of age.
To understand how simple this is to achieve
Go to anti aging supplement.
Whilst there has been a vast amount of money spent on stem cell research this has created a great deal of controversy due to the destruction embryos in the process.
This stem cell discovery however is not involved in the destruction of embryos and uses the latest technology using adult stem cells.
Click here and see Stem cell treatment.
Watch the video report from the Vatican.
There has been a very major stem cell research discovery by a Canadian scientist Christian Drapeau MSc, who has discovered an effective means of increasing the important supply of our own stem cells in our blood stream.
Christian Drapeau,
This has resulted in our bodies being able to effectively carry out its natural function of overcoming various physical difficulties and consequently markedly improving our health AND WITHOUT HAVING TO RESORT TO DRUGS.
If you would like to investigate this further I suggest
Leave aging reversal go to embryonic stem cell research.
You have some Questions??? Click here.
I can then reply to any queries you may have with no obligation to you whatsoever.
Good luck with your search for aging reversal which I am afraid is still a long way off, however this product is a positive move in the right direction.
Eddie Mace.